v1.12.0 - 28-November-2024 - New Feature: Introduced a new WP-Portfolio block, allowing you to create and customize portfolios seamlessly in block-based themes. - Improvement: Enhanced compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1 for a smoother experience. v1.11.9 - 18-July-2024 - Improvement: Added 'aria-label' attributes for improved accessibility in links. - Improvement: WordPress version 6.6 compatibility added. - Fix: Activate License option not visible. - Fix: Added support for browser back button to close portfolio items. - Fix: Security scanner showing warning for minified JS files. v1.11.8 - 21-November-2023 - Improvement: Added compatibility to PHP version 8.1. - Improvement: Added compatibility to WordPress version 6.4.1. - Improvement: Added support to WordPress VIP rule-set. - Fix: Issue with WP-CLI mechanism. v1.11.7 - 4-September-2023 - Improvement: Added compatibility to WordPress version 6.3.1. v1.11.6 - 13-July-2023 - Fix: Load more button not showing when Thumbnail hover style option is set to default. v1.11.5 - 20-June-2023 - Improvement: Added an option to place portfolio item title above the design. - Improvement: Added an option to change thumbnail scroll speed. - Improvement: Added the Grid CSS support for the Astra theme. - Fix: Categories and other categories are not translatable with WPML. - Fix: Fixed double lightbox issue when clicked on an image in Elementor. - Fix: Image lightbox content RTL issue fixed. - Fix: Showing load more button when no posts are remaining. v1.11.4 - Improvement: Add new filter to change the text `All` for filters. v1.11.3 - 31-December-2020 - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.6. v1.11.2 - 13-August-2020 - Improvement - Compatibility to WordPress 5.5. v1.11.1 - 30-June-2020 - Fix: Portfolio meta fields not saving the values due to mistyping the nonce field. v1.11.0 - 29-June-2020 - Improvement: The sync library batch process importer. - Improvement: Added the 100vh viewport height only for the click on button event. - Fix: Deleted portfolio not importing after re-import. - Fix: Getting the empty space at the bottom when we set the status bar position to the top. - Fix: Portfolio did not load if permalink structure is set as Plain. - Fix: The option par-page renamed with per_page (Managed backward compatibility). v1.10.0 - 18-June-2020 * New: Users can now share non-personal usage data to help us test and develop better products. ( Know More ) v1.9.0 - 17-March-2020 * New: Added sitemap support for the Rank Math plugin. * Fix: Due to extra padding the Tablet and Mobile viewport was wrong. * Fix: Portfolio wrapper class which causes an issue if we use portfolio shortcode into the single page portfolio type content. v1.8.2 - 22-January-2019 * Security Fix: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. v1.8.1 - 24 October 2019 * Improvement: Excluded the portfolio links from the Yoast SEO plugins sitemap. * Improvement: The `view` link appears only for the 'Single Page' portfolio type from the portfolio list. * Fix: Elementor lightbox setting affects to image portfolio type lightbox. v1.8.0 - 19 August 2019 * New: Added the page builder selection option. So, We can now able to import the sites from the selected page builder. * Fix: Sites import status trigger the infinite AJAX. v1.7.2 - 19 June 2019 * Fix: Batch import status loader showing status infinite. v1.7.1 - 13 June 2019 * Fix: Option values did not save from the settings page. v1.7.0 - 6 June 2019 * New: Categories setting page options into tabs. Such as General, Style, and Advanced. * Improvement: If cron is not supported for the website then showing an error such notice. * Improvement: Showing the current batch import process into the 'Sync' button to know the status of the current batch process. E.g. 'Importing Categories', 'Importing Sites 18 of 241' etc. * Improvement: Updated menu title from 'Portfolio' with 'WP Portfolio'. * Improvement: Updated 'Import' button with 'Sync' and improve the logic for importing delete and new sites. * Improvement: Removed 'Force Fetch' link from the settings page. Now, Deleted and new portfolio sites are imported with the 'Sync' button. * Fix: If a category contains character & then it converts to the 'amp;' * Fix: `Quick View` text is not translatable due to it is stored into the database. v1.6.0 - 12 April 2019 * New: Added option to enable/disable the Masonry Layout. (Screenshot ) [https://cl.ly/86f44b9e5bdb]. This option will show the difference only on the desktop. Masonry Layout will be disabled for mobile devices by default. * Fix: Existing Masonry Layout messed up on a mobile device. v1.5.1 - 5 April 2019 * Fix: Portfolios not loading on click on category due to Image Scroll grid style issue. v1.5.0 - 2 April 2019 * New: New Image Scroll option for Portfolio Thumbnail Image. v1.4.2 - 5 March 2019 * Improvement: Removed unwanted parameters from rest API request. * Improvement: Importing all the portfolio items. Recently we have imported only 100 sites at a time due to WordPress have 100 item limit for each request. * Fix: Updated default values of shortcode parameter `other-category-show-all` and `category-show-all` which is used to show `All` from the category and other categories respectively. * Fix: PHP warning while bulk updating portfolio items. v1.4.1 - 21 Dec 2018 * Improvement: Disabled the Gutenberg support for only portfolio post type. v1.4.0 - 20 Dec 2018 * New: Added call to action for the single page portfolio type. * New: Added translation files support. The translation files are load from the `/language/` directory. * New: Added shortcode param `category-show-all` to hide/show the `All` from the category. E.g. [wp_portfolio category-show-all="no"] it hide the `All` from the category. * New: Added shortcode param `other-category-show-all` to hide/show the `All` from the other category. E.g. [wp_portfolio other-category-show-all="no"] it hide the `All` from the other category. * New: Added shortcode param `quick-view-text` to change the "Quick View" text. Default: 'Quick View'. E.g. `[wp_portfolio quick-view-text="Preview"]` It changes the "Quick View" text with "Preview". * New: Added shortcode param `show-quick-view` to show/hide the quick preview button. Use values yes/no to show/hide the button. Default: 'yes'. E.g. `[wp_portfolio show-quick-view="no"]` It hide the quick view button. * Fix: Generated the invalid portfolio if we duplicate it from the BB template. * Fix: Elementor demo site scale on iPhone safari device. * Fix: Portfolio item unlist if it created with BB duplicate layout option. v1.3.0 - 6 July 2018 * New: Introducing options 'Items Per Page' & 'Show Portfolio On' to show the portfolio items on click on button or on page scroll. * New: Added filter `astra_portfolio_default_portfolio_type` to set the default portfolio type when we add new portfolio item. Valid types - page, image, video, iframe. * New: Added localize variable `scrollToTop` to disable the scroll to top on click on category link. We can use filter `astra_portfolio_shortcode_localize_vars` to enable/disable it. * Improvement: Added CSS class of current opened portfolio item and its type to the iFrame. * Improvement: Showing the portfolio menu for edit_posts capability users. * Improvement: Category does not highlighted on click on other category. * Improvement: Used get_rest_url() instead of site_url() to get the rest api URL. v1.2.0 - 19 June 2018 * New: Added option 'Add Call-to-action' for Website portfolio item. This allows you to add a call-to-action on the preview bar. * Improvement: Added filter `astra_portfolio_api_site_uri` to change the Rest API URL. * Fix: Website portfolio item option 'open in new tab' not working because, missing of the CSS selector. v1.1.1 - 14 June 2018 * Improvement: Updated option `Open in iFrame` from `Single Page` portfolio item with `Open Portfolio Item in` which includes options `New Tab, Same Tab & iFrame`. Default option is New Tab. v1.1.0 - 13 June 2018 * New: Added filter `astra_portfolio_post_type_args` to change the post type args. E.g. post slug, query_var, supports etc. * New: Added option `Open in iFrame` for `Single Page` portfolio item. It open the portfolio in iFrame instead of new tab. * New: Added filter `astra_portfolio_settings` to change the default portfolio settings. E.g. Change per page load items by setting `per-page` value. * New: We have disable the portfolio items from the query. Now, Added filter `astra_portfolio_exclude_portfolio_items` to enable the portfolio items on front-end. * Improvement: Added support of masonry and lightbox for mobile devices. * Improvement: Divi page builder override the Portfolio grid and filter CSS. Override the CSS of Portfolio grid and filter for Divi Builder. v1.0.7 - 21 May 2018 * Improvement: Added CSS `text-decoration:none` for the filter links. Some theme/plugins added underline for the anchors. * Improvement: Added link to force import all the portfolio items. * Improvement: Disable import button and unhide the import sites section. * Improvement: Loading all categories and other categories in the filter list. * Fix: All button shows all the posts even when limited categories/tags are provided. v1.0.6 - 7 March 2018 * New: Added template override support for portfolio shortcode. Now we can override the markup from child theme. * New: Force fetch all the Astra Started Sites once again. By default WP Portfolio does not duplicate the sites when importing. Adding query parameter `force-fetch-all-sites` to the URL will just force fetch the Astra Sites once again. * Improvement: Alt and title tag support added for the portfolio image. * Fix: Reload masonry once loaded all images with Lazy load. v1.0.5 - 10 January 2018 * New: Added reorder portfolio support with the plugin `Post Types Order` (https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-types-order/) * New: Added shortcode `[wp_portfolio]` which is alternative for `[astra-portfolio]`. `[astra-portfolio]` will be deprecated in the future versions of the plugin. * New: Added new filter `astra_portfolio_shortcode_localize_vars`. * New: Added an option to change to portfolio url slug. * New: Added support for shareable portfolio URLs. * Improvement: Changed the plugin name from `Astra Portfolio` with `WP Portfolio`. * Improvement: Already imported demos will not be re-imported again. v1.0.4 - 8 January 2018 * New: Added checkbox option 'Open in New Tab' for 'Website' portfolio it open the website portfolio in new tab instead of iFrame (Popup). * Improvement: Added minified files support. To load un-minified files add `define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );` in `wp-config.php` file. * Enhancement: Settings page message messed up message. * Fix: Setting large portfolio thumbnail image if medium size image not found. v1.0.3 - 26 December 2017 * New: Added 'tags' support for portfolio. It is only used in shortcode E.g. [astra-portfolio tags='7,8'] * New: Added 'show-search' shortcode param for hide/show search box E.g. [astra-portfolio show-search='yes'] * New: Added 'show-categories' shortcode param for hide/show categories E.g. [astra-portfolio show-categories='yes'] * New: Added 'show-other-categories' shortcode param for hide/show other categories E.g. [astra-portfolio show-other-categories='yes'] * New: Added 'columns' support for shortcode. E.g. [astra-portfolio columns='2'] (Expect value max 4). * Enhancement: Disable the page builder editor buttons & edit url fields for portfolio type (website, image & video). * Enhancement: Added page builder support for single page portfolio. * Improvement: Removed character question mark (?) from the portfolio URL which prevent caching. * Fix: Magnific popup close button CSS conflict. v1.0.2 - 8 December 2017 * New: Added simple form for adding new portfolio. It only ask portfolio title and type. * New: Added support for image portfolio which open in lightbox. * New: Added support for video portfolio which open in lightbox. * New: Added support for single page portfolio which open in separate page for adding more details about portfolio. * Fix: Removed bundled products for Astra Premium Sites while updating the plugin. v1.0.1 - 5 December 2017 * Improvement: Added portfolio image post meta for setting portfolio image. * Improvement: Removed featured image from Astra Portfolio post type. * Fix: On multisite disabled license activation link on individual site. v1.0.0 - 4 December 2017 * Initial release.